A downloadable game

In the far distant future of 1996, humanity finds itself on the brink of destruction at the hands of an alien threat. The only hope for survival rests in the Lilly Squad, and all female air defense force with the capability to use the aliens weapons against them by fusing with the Leiron Core.

Centered around Bullet Hell Gameplay, your actions not only effect the result of battle, but also your relationship with your co pilots. Building trust and spending time  with your co pilots can also effect your abilities in battle, allowing for higher level weapon growth and  the use of screen clearing Lilly Crush attacks.

Coming Soon

-More levels and Bosses

-Use of a second Co-pilot

-Better writing and dating 'progression'

-Separate adult version with animation and voice acting.

Game contains; Light  animated violence, brief frontal nudity, mild sexually suggestive dialogue, mild language. 


lillysquad.exe 42 MB

Install instructions

Self running .exe runs automatically without installation.

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